Development & Investment
Oldlands Farm, Bognor Regis
Site area: 90 Acres (36.5 hectares)
Local Planning Authority: Arun District Council
Planning Consent 1: (Rolls-Royce Logistics Warehouse)
Reference Number: AL/58/15/OUT and AL/44/18/RES
Description: Hybrid application (1) Full planning application for earth works to facilitate flood compensation area & (2) Outline planning for up to 20,453 sqm of B2 industrial floorspace with B8 warehousing & distribution.
Planning Consent 2: (Lidl Supermarket)
Reference Number: BE/126/19/PL
Description: Erection of a 1,410 sqm discount convenience retail food store (Use Class A1) with associated parking and landscaping.
Planning Consent 3: (Last-Mile Logistics Facility for Multi-National Online Retailer)
Reference Number: AL/87/21/PL
Description: Erection of a warehouse (Use Class B8) with ancillary office, associate vehicle parking, van storage, plant, ancillary structures, lighting, landscaping and infrastructure works including earthworks to facilitate flood compensation area.
Planning Consent 4: (Outline Application for 200k sq ft Distribution Warehouse)
Reference Number: BE/150/22/OUT
Description: Outline planning application with all matters reserved save for access for demolition of existing derelict building and erection of up to 18,580sqm of new industrial/warehouse (Use Class B2/B8) with ancillary office floorspace.
Infrastructure investment: £15m
Works included:
Demolition and Remediation
Estate Road
New Utility Services
Earthworks for Flood Compensation Area
Sale of 23.4 acres to Rolls Royce
Sale of 1.5 acres to Lidl
Sale of 17.35 acres to Multi-National Online Retailer
Further letting and disposal transactions will take place in due course